photography Lucie Sassiat
art direction Coralie Joos
makeup & hair Ludivine François
fashion Gayanée Pierre
Romi Van Renterghem / Women 360 Mgmt
Lia / Titanium Management
assistent Samuel Pierre
photography by Lucie Sassiat by Iddejewelleries Cecile C Paris and Senda Nelly Roja
swimsuit Aquamanile
coat Possery earring Sapias robe Julien Fournie
jacket and trousers Giorgio & Mario
bikini Aquamanileearring Senda robe Güc
earring and necklace Senda Nelly Rojas set Christophe Lebo
bikini Aquamanileswimsuit Aquamanile
jacket Lacoste
pearl jewellery Cecile C Paris
jewelleries Cecile C Paris & Senda Nelly Rojas
jacket Lacoste
swimsuit Aquamanile
socks Nike
Sun Chain Senda Nelly Rojas
jacket Dior Archive
jeans Levis Vintage
bikini top Aquamanile
belt Cecile C Paris
bracelet Senda Nelly Rojas
jacket Possery
ring Sapias
signet ring and bracelet Maison Mouche
jacket Arte Antwerp
earring Senda Nelly Rojas
images courtsy of Copenhagen Fashionweek
photography Tonya Matyu
Backstage from (D)ivision SS25 Copenhagen
photography by Tonya Matyu by Fashion Tales