Written by Meghan Scott

Photography by: Malin Hägglöv.

Odalisque's Sandra Myrhberg and I had the chance to have a quick Q&A with the design duo behind Hunkydory, backstage at Stockholm Fashion Week. They were showing their first 'See Now, Buy Now' collection, the first fashion label to do this in Stockholm. 

With major players like Moschino, Tom Ford and Tommy Hilfiger doing the 'see now buy now' concept with success, it is really cool that a Swedish brand is doing this also. What kind of approach are you going to use since this is an AW17 collection?

We will be selling a limited selection of show pieces online directly after the fashion show. Instead of waiting half a year our customers will be able to immediately buy some of the extravagant pieces presented. This is a way for Hunkydory to adapt to the digital climate. We can no longer disregard the fact that costumers want to be part of the runway shows in a bigger extent.

The industry has changed a lot, especially since the age of social media growing exponentially over the past 10 years, and you've been around for just over half of that. What sort of angle did you take when you first started seeing the fashion x social media rage happen?

Hunkydory aim to be a digital and innovative brand that keeps up with the changing conditions of the industry. When e-commerce and social media boomed not all companies understood the potential and importance of the new tools. At Hunkydory we have always been open to the new and understand that a brand must evolve when the surrounding context does.

There is so much to keep up with in the fashion world today, environmental awareness being a major issue for more and more consumers every day. Do you or are you working on any concepts that reduce your carbon footprint?

We are constantly looking into this, and other parts of our processes that affect the environment. We are for example choosing to use a denim supplier that recycles and cleans their spill water.

More backstage photos from the show here.