The Reinventing of Wolford at Shorditch Townhall

Written by Sandra Myhrberg

Last week Wolford took our breath away at their party, the dramatic rebirth was celebrated at Shorditch Townhall. Established in the 1950’s in Austria, Wolford is one of the oldest hosiery companies in the world and is a household name in hosiery. Recently they have decided to break the rules in fashion and steer away from traditional business and marketing models. For Wolford, it was time to shake off the antiquated perceptions and re-establish themselves as a formidable player. “The past is done. The future has endless possibilities” - Axel Dreher, CEO.

At the party, we were taken on a voyage through a labyrinth of rooms and experienced peculiar realizations of the new Wolford. Their new image is exciting and inclusive, extraordinary and brave, imaginative and fierce. The new Wolford is not only exceptional European skin wear, but it also commands attention for outstanding quality. Using 3-D and circular knitting techniques and innovating design, Wolford is in the lead of its league. On the 15th of November, 2018, you may not recognize Wolford.


There’s nothing to see here.
